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naba faizi


BACHELORS OF urban ecology

Masters of urban design, city + metropolitan planning

As someone who is passionate about people and place, the celebration of culture, historic preservation, and social justice, this topic has great meaning for me. Performing research on the Japanese Community of Utah and the meaning of Japantown for the community has helped me understand the impact racism, prejudice, and development can make on ethnic communities. There are many examples of communities that have been destroyed or displaced due to these factors. This has occurred on a level of racial prejudice, economic prioritization, urban renewal or gentrification. Thus, resulting in how we plan and design cities and how they function. It is important to preserve these narratives and acknowledge their history. As a planner who is also a woman of color, this project resonates with me and is essential to the well being and health of every community in the United States and the world.

I am grateful to my colleague,

Samah Safiullah (B.A. Urban Ecology and Gender Studies), who helped me with filming the interviews and served as a good support for the goals of the project. This semester, Samah also wrote and theorized about Japantown in Salt Lake City for her senior thesis. The interviews informed a large part of her research and tracing of history.


© 2019 by Naba Faizi. Designed and created with love in partnership with

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